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🌸 Welcome to Bloom 🌸
Navigating the Membership (13:55)
Facebook Community
Zoom Links for Live Practice
Journey through the Chakras
Introduction / Welcome (3:02)
Muladhara / Root Chakra - Part 1 (59:07)
Muladhara / Root Chakra - Part 2 (49:48)
Svadhisthana / Sacral Chakra (38:47)
Recently Added Classes - May
Yin for cultivating Patience (42:03)
Fire Flow for Hips and Core (27:30)
Support for Shoulders Hatha (39:31)
Wake Up Power (30:42)
Yoga Foundations
Daily Form Practice (17:57)
Beginners Practice Part 1
Plank Pose Tutorial (5:03)
Down Dog Tutorial (6:14)
Chaturanga Tutorial (8:35)
Utkatasana Tutorial - Chair Pose (4:27)
Tadasana Pose Breakdown (8:24)
Vinyasa & Flow
Morning Power (27:12)
Mandala Flow for Autumn (39:45)
Fire Starter Morning Vinyasa (29:44)
Finding Your Drishti (21:48)
Full Moon Yang Energy (18:07)
Vinyasa for Solid Foundation (36:04)
Take Flight into Crow Pose (28:46)
No Fluff Power Vinyasa (21:57)
Firey Fix (10:49)
Get up & Go Flow (15:09)
Vinyasa Flow for Hips (35:51)
Slow Flow & Hatha
Yin Yang & Meditation - Hips Focus (39:16)
Shakti Mat Yin Yang Practice (40:31)
Slow Flow (25:52)
Shakti Mat Slow Flow Introductory Practice (28:30)
Easeful Flow (22:37)
Dancing Pigeon Flow for Svadisthana Chakra (10:26)
Calm & Cool Flow (26:33)
Slow Flow for a Solid Foundation (21:15)
Slow Flow to Wind Down (19:22)
Quick Hip Release (18:18)
Slow Flow (40 mins)
Mula Bhanda Practice (27:19)
Grounding Flow (17:45)
Slow Flow - Live Zoom 29/11 (29:21)
Yin & Restorative
Lung Support for Autumn Season (41:41)
Yin for transitioning to Autumn (41:11)
New Moon Yin (28:58)
Gentle Yin Practice (31:53)
New Moon Yin - 22nd January 2023 (34:32)
Shoulder & Neck Release (6:34)
Hip & Shoulder Reset (25:52)
Shoulder Strengthening Practice
Breathwork and Meditation
Breath Anchor Meditation
Dirga Pranayama
Viloma Pranayama
Loving Kindness / Metta Meditation
Yoke Meditation (6 mins)
Breath Awareness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation
Box / Square Breathing (3:49)
4-7-8 Breath (4:37)
Grounding Meditation (3:56)
Yoga Nidra Audio
Releasing Tension Yoga Nidra (15mins)
Yoga Nidra for Comfort
Anytime Calming Yoga Nidra
Rejuvenating Yoga Nidra
🌗 New Moon Ritual 🌓
Setting up your Practice (6:01)
New Moon Yin - 22nd January 2023 (34:32)
Yin Practice for New Moon - So Hum (31:58)
Yoga Nidra for Intention Setting
Sankalpa Renewal
Womens Health
Yoga & Acupressure for Your Period (37:08)
Julia Wilkinson - Pelvic Breath Practice (19:39)
Julia Wilkinson - Softening into the Pelvic Floor Practice (24:54)
Julia Wilkinson - Pelvic Floor & Core Workshop (24:21)
Guest Teachers
Julia Wilkinson - Pelvic Breath Practice (19:39)
Julia Wilkinson - Softening into the Pelvic Floor Practice (24:54)
Julia Wilkinson - Pelvic Floor & Core Workshop (24:21)
Journey through the Elements Series
Practice 1: Prithvi, Earth (29:55)
Practice 2: Apas, Water (28:36)
Practice 3: Agni, Fire (28:39)
Practice 4: Vayu, Air (28:14)
Practice 5: Akesha, Ether (28:34)
Kickstart Your Home Yoga Practice - 7 day live challenge
Day 1 - Ujayi Breath (28:22)
Day 2 - The Feet (28:25)
Day 3 - The Shoulders (30:10)
Day 4 - The Core (33:23)
Day 5 - The Hips (29:38)
Day 6 - Hamstrings (29:32)
Day 7 - Backbends (33:10)
Morning Movement & Meditation Recordings
The Yamas - Ahimsa Practice (27:48)
The Yamas - Satya Practice (28:49)
June Sessions (79:41)
July Sessions (81:01)
August Sessions (57:46)
September Sessions (25:57)
Live In Person Class Recordings
Gentle Vinyasa Flow (42:20)
Slow Flow with Yoga Nidra (71:52)
Restorative Yin (60:32)
Day 1 - Ujayi Breath
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